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Weekly Fishing Report - 17th October 2019

Weekly Fishing Report - 17th October 2019

Josh Power |

Due to the weather over the last week, reports have been few and far between so we figured this week we’d do something different and give you a quick rundown on some of the great competitions that are kicking off this month based around one of Australia’s most iconic species, the mighty Barramundi.  

Lake Monduran

It’s great to see competitions like these being run so close to home and is a credit to all involved. Our first destination Lake Monduran has really bounced back over the last 12-18 months due to the hard work of the local fish stocking group. So far this season there have been plenty  of barra in the 70-80cm range being landed and even a few 90CM+ models. It’s really exciting to see what this fishery has in store for us over the coming summer as the fish are in great health and the average size is well up on last season.

Now that the fish are getting up there in size it’s time to start thinking of beefing up your leader material and terminal tackle particularly when fishing in tight timber, anything under 80lb leader can be asking for trouble. Having a rod with enough power to muscle a fish out of the timber also make a big difference for this close quarters style of fishing.

A variety of lures have been consistently working including the ever reliable Jackall Squirrel 79SP Hank Tune which is a great lure for the twitch and pause retrieve. Make sure you’ve got back up trebles and split rings for when you have to upgrade after catching a few fish. The trick is finding a treble which is strong enough to tangle with these fish but one that is not too heavy that will make the lure sink. We’ve found the Decoy YS-81 to be a good compromise between strength and weight and generally carry some size 2 and size 4 to cover all bases. For fishing shallower bays the Lucky Craft Pointer 100 has been a great option for slow rolling and comes in some great garfish/baitfish imitating colours. Another solid favourite is the Rapala X-rap 10 & 12 which has been a go to lure for many impoundment anglers over the years. A lure retrieve pole is another invaluable tool when fishing for barra and will quickly pay for itself after you’ve saved your favourite lure/s a few times, drop in store and we’ll show you how they work.

When it comes to soft plastics, there are some great options these days from Castaic, Biiwa, Molix, Keitech, Zman etc which have all been working a treat. However, don’t overlook some of the old faithfuls  such as the 100mm and 110mm Squidgy Slick Rig which still catch plenty of fish and have a great body roll action which the barra can’t resist! There are also a lot rigging options whether it be barra specific jigheads such as those offered by Barambah Lures and the new Nitro Specialist jigheads or worm hooks such as the Owner Beast Hook which allows you to rig those plastics made from softer materials without fear of tearing the chin.

Lake Monduran Family Fishing Classic

The Lake Monduran Family Fishing Classic, Golden Barra Competition and the Rocky Barra Bounty. The annual Lake Monduran Family Fishing Classic is this weekend from the 18th October till 20th October. This comp has a great family friendly atmosphere and helps raise funds for the local stocking group to continue their great work.

For more details or to download a registration form, visit:

Golden Barra Competition

The Golden Barra Competition also kicks off on the 19th of October and runs until 19th February 2020. This year the major prize is a V8 Toyota Landcruiser ute and boat package valued at over $150,000 for the lucky angler that lands the elusive “Golden Barra”.

To register and for more details, simply visit:

Rocky Barra Bounty

Moving a bit further north up the highway now, the annual Rocky Barra Bounty is being held from Monday 21st October till Wednesday 23rd October. There’s a few crews from Hervey Bay heading up this year to compete, so good luck to all involved.

You can find more info about the bounty by visiting their Facebook page: Rocky Barra Bounty.

Local waters

For those staying a little closer to home, it looks like the northerlies will be backing off a touch over the weekend before a sou-easterly change rolls through Sunday afternoon. Light northerlies will be a blessing for those wanting to hit the rivers and creeks in search of a saltwater barramundi before the season closes on 1st of November. Over the last couple of weeks there’s been some nice barra in the 70-80cm range being caught in the Mary and Susan Rivers on soft vibes and suspending hardbody lures. A general lack of run in the tide this weekend will make fishing these bigger systems easier to fish and will allow you to cover more ground. Threadfin salmon have also been on the cards with soft vibes being the most consistent producer, the threadies can’t resist them. Being able to accurately read your sounder will give you a huge advantage when targeting these fish and takes a lot of the guess work out of it. The Burrum River System will also be worth a look and had a relatively good season last year. You’ve also got Lake Lenthalls as another option if you’d prefer to hit the sweetwater, which has been producing a few barra and some big bass of late. The barra fishing in Lenthalls should only continue to improve as we move closer to summer.

Tight lines!